Monday, July 13, 2009


Setting up day camp on the beach at Pismo!

Ryan and Rebecca love to dig holes for Sammy!

A few licks of sand and he started to learn!

Don't look so sad!!!

Becca's box of popcorn cake!

Rebecca had a movie night projected on the garage and all the junk food you get! Swimming, charades and sleep over made it a blast! (Don't wanna know they stayed up til 5am!)

Calee 3 weeks later - amazing how she gets around!

Calee the tripawd wonder dog- after surgery.

Hi All! Happy Summertime! It's crazy but the time is going by so fast but it doesn't seem like we have done anything.

Rebecca and Ryan have both gotten braces, so lots of appointments. Ryan needs glasses and since Becca made it on the dance team, she needs contacts- more appointments!

The beginning of June we learned our beloved Dane mix, Calee, has cancer. We have embarked on a mission. She had her front leg amputated 3 weeks ago and her first round of chemo last week. I guess I will be making a trip to San Diego every 3 weeks! What a trooper!

The end of June was Rebeccas 13th!!! birthday! Then we went for a much needed trip to Pismo Beach for the 4th of July!

It's hard to believe last year we were anticipating Sam's arrival by making many trips to the beach and water parks. Now I'm slathering on the sunblock and keeping him inside out of the heat!!

May 31st

Even though summer wasn't here yet, Ryan was ready for fun. That means an 8th Birthday party at the BMX park! GO get'um Ry!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Funny Faces

Sammy has been very expressive lately. He loves to form his mouth in an "O". I'm trying to get a pic of the latest face, squinty eyes with the bottom teeth sticking out!

Spring is here!

Spring is here and I have hardly kept up with this blog! It must be the exhaustion after a day of three kids all doing something different!

I'm catching everyone up on our Spring Break trip to Oregon. Most of you know we do this trip every year but we have to visit our old stomping grounds, and introduce the kids to our childhood! Unfortunately Scott has to remain at home, always hardworking!

This year was such a beauitful trip and Sammy was a great traveler, even after we decided to fly at the last minute. He slept on the plane both up and back home, the only problem now is he hasn't slept through the night since the beginning of the trip!

The kids love to play in the water, we must always bring extra clothes so they don't freeze!

Ryans king of the cliffs!

Sam got his first taste of sand and it didn't seem to bother him a bit!

Thats one way to get a mustache!

Sam loves to scoop up the sand and rub his feet in it!

Sunny Skies

We love going for a walk on the waterfront. It's even better when there is great weather!

There weren't as many sealions this year as there usually is.

Sam's mad because he didn't get his own ice cream!

Grandma and Ryan are not sharing!

At Aquarium

Newport has the best aquarium around. My friend, Susie and her son, Charlie came to visit and we had lots of fun.

Watching the sealions.
This is Charlies favorite place.

Ryan loves the huge octopus.

In the Shark tank.

Ryan looking at the weird fish!

Fun times in Newport

The view from our condo - up on the hill to the right is where my grandparents house was.

The girls are whooping it up at the pizza place while the kids are busy playing video games!

The kids love the OSU Marine Science Center - looking thru the tank!

A first for Ryan! He has never, in his short 7 years, put his hand in a touch tank! (Just never wanted to!)

Good Job Ryan!